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We’re a Toitū carbonreduce certified nursery.

We’re stoked to have received the Toitū carbonreduce certification. This certification recognizes the team’s dedication to measuring, reducing, and managing its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, a big step to becoming carbon-positive in the future.

The Toitū carbonreduce certification is a voluntary process awarded to organizations that demonstrate a significant reduction in their carbon footprint and a commitment to ongoing environmental improvement.

As a nursery, we’ve taken proactive steps to achieve this certification by implementing a range of sustainability initiatives across its site. These initiatives include pot and plastic recycling, a tray and pot refund scheme, water recycling and storage, and the installation of hundreds of solar panels. We’re proud of the fact we grow millions of trees too, ultimately the largest impact we’ll have as a business.

In addition to these measures, we’ve also committed to measuring its base year emissions for 2022 and have pledged to reduce our emissions over time in line with Science Based Targets (SBTi).

The independently verified certification is awarded in accordance with international standards ISO 14064-1 and ISO 14067, which provide a robust framework for quantifying and reporting greenhouse gas emissions. Our base certification includes all compulsory emissions, but we plan to go further by incorporating more of its scope 3 emissions (supply chain emissions) in the future.

We’re in this for the long-haul. There’s plenty more work to do across all areas of the nursery, and we’re keen to get stuck in.

Please get in touch if you would like a copy of our most recent Carbon Inventory and Management Report.

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